Holiday Luncheon Reservation (Dec. 3, 11am) : Online Purchase (One Reservation purchase Per Person Only)
Tickets can be purchased online (completing the form below), by mail, or in person at the November meeting.
Only cash or checks (not credit card) can be used to purchase tickets at the November meeting.
Complete the form below TO PURCHASE a RESERVATION ONLINE:
Purchasing multiple reservations online in same transaction is not possible - one reseration purchase per transaction.
Members can only make an online reservation for themselves - not for others.
As part of the purchase payment process, you will be taken to a credit card payment screen in PayPal, where you will enter your credit card information. PayPal login will not be required - you can pay with PayPal Guest Checkout.
After you have completed this form AND the credit card payment has been submitted, the Newcomers treasurer will receive notification of your payment.